After an exciting homecoming week it has been nice to get back to “normal.” For the most part it has been a fairly quiet week, but not without its highlights.
On Thursday the QC Times gave us some great press with three articles about the success of our students. If you missed them, check out the following links:
During our research into the 1 to 1 computer initiative, we have come across schools that utilize iPads instead of laptops. This week we purchased an iPad 2 to test this technology and learn the advantages and disadvantages. Thank you to Jeff O’Rourke and O’Rourke Sales for helping us get our hands on an iPad very quickly.
It is essential that we continue to discuss the changes occurring at Assumption and potential ways to address these challenges. As a result, our administrative team is currently attempting to address the question: What are our biggest challenges in the next 5-10 years? So far we have had great discussions which I believe will result in solid planning for the future.
I met with Jeff Schwiebert, North Scott superintendent, and UNI professor, Dewitt Jones, on Thursday to discuss teacher preparedness, financial management and the proposed performance based compensation system proposed by the DE. We will keep an eye on how this last issue progresses as it could have implications for Assumption.
Chuck and I met with the rest of the Scott County principals for our monthly meeting. Superintendent Lee Morrison was also in attendance. At the meeting we discuss 5th - 8th grade Band Events, CogAT 7 assessments, Diocesan Standards and Benchmarks/Iowa Core, the STEM meeting at St. Ambrose, technology and current enrollment trends.
The paperwork for our SCRA grant has been submitted to the Diocese. Hopefully we will know whether we will receive the requested funding within the next month.
Friday morning we had a productive meeting with our Math department regarding potential scheduling changes to match strengths with classes, and looking at better ways to assess our students to provide better instruction. I truly feel that our Math department is working to prepare our students for what lies ahead for them, and I am excited to see what results from this meeting.