Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekly Update 9-9-2011

It has been a big week at Assumption and the Bettendorf game tonight will be an exciting conclusion to the week.  

A couple of updates on AHS this week:   

Our Administrative team (Chuck, Eric, Julie, Carey, Lynn, Emily, Wade and I) continues to meet weekly and has been doing some work with the Strengths Finder 2.0 book.  I feel it has been very informative for all of us to learn how we are distinctly different in our strengths. 
Faculty in-service on Wednesday went well, and we are continuing to look at ways that technology will improve our classroom instruction and provide better avenues to communicate with students and parents.  Already this year we have discussed ways to use Skype, Twitter and Blogs in the classroom.  Some teachers have really taken off with these ideas and it is great to see them looking at education through a new lens.
As you may have read in the paper, the boy’s state athletic association presented on the potential for 4A district football.  This has the potential to impact Assumption and we are having discussions about both the positives and negatives of such a change.  We believe that we will know more in November after the state championship games have been played.
Several of us attended two webinars on enhancing the academic programs at Assumption.  The first was on Rosetta Stone the web-based language program and the second was on the Core curriculum. 
There were a couple minor facilities issues this week including a leak in the dressing rooms in the band/choir area.  This was due to a clogged drain that has now been fixed.  We removed one of the old TVs from a classroom and are reallocating some of our projector screens since most of our teachers now have whiteboards. 
Eric Leuth, head of maintenence, is finishing putting the final coats of sealer on the doors to the trophy cabinets. 
We are exploring the potential for a partnership with a company called Insight Systems Exchange.  They are in the business of refurbishing laptop computers and then reselling them at a great price.  Right now we have more need for computer access than what we have available.  This could be a good solution for our computer needs.
Have a great weekend!

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