Friday, August 3, 2012

Weekly Update 8/3/2012

Yesterday I was asked if I was read to “go back” to school.  With a smile I said I never left, but I was certainly ready for all of the students and teacher to be back.  It is easy to see that the beginning of the school year is quickly approaching with band and football camps this week, teachers beginning to trickle into their rooms, and our custodial staff putting the finishing touches on the floors.  You can begin to feel the excitement in the air.

The biggest news of the week has to be our new crop of freshman.  Currently we have 130 students enrolled for the class of 2016.  To put this in perspective, our average freshman enrollment over the last 12 years has been 113 students.  Once school begins we will compile and publish data regarding which  grade schools students attended, but preliminary numbers show roughly 74% of the Catholic 8th grade students will be attending AHS.   Congrats to Emily Faulhaber and everyone whose hard work and dedication to Assumption are helping these students make their decision.

Progress continues on our two big summer projects.  The new technology lab is coming along nicely. Drywall has been mounted, doors have been hung, Eric has started constructing new tables for the lab, and we hope to install the new flooring next week where it had to be removed to make room for extra floor outlets.   The daycare also continues to progress with paint, ceiling and flooring all installed this week.  After constructing some cabinets, setting the fixtures for the plumbing, and boxing in some support beams we should be close to opening the room. 

I presented to the new principals on Wednesday about Boards of Education and marketing.  This was good review for me as we prepare for our Board orientation on August 20th.  I feel every year we get a little better at our Board orientation, with more meaningful information.  This year we will review the updated organizational structure which was developed during our principal search.

Speaking of our principal, Bridget Murphy continues to prove that she was the right choice for the job.  With some schedule changes and adding alum Andy Logan (‘96) to our teaching staff, she has already made steps to improve AHS.  Andy will be a great addition to our Religion department and has extensive experience spreading the good news.  

I had a chance to give a tour of the school as part of the class of 1992’s 10 year reunion last weekend.  It was a great experience and I made sure to remind them that they were seniors when I was a freshman, and that I hadn’t forgotten the ones who picked on me and pointed out that I am now a lot bigger than they are.  They got a big kick out of that.

Some of you may have caught the article in the times about the proposed change to the lane lines on W. Central Park Ave.  I met with Michael Clarke from the city in regards to the proposed changes and we discussed some of the options.  For the time being, the lines will remain the same as they always have been, but there may be some changes as soon as next year.

We also continue our talks with St. Ambrose about the development of the St. Vincent’s Center property.  There will be more on this to come, but there are some exciting opportunities for not only Ambrose, but also Assumption. 

Good luck to all of the duffers out there today at the Booster Club Golf Outing and have a great weekend!


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