Friday, October 12, 2012

Updates for the Week 10-12-12

Just a few quick updates:

The new tech lab is finally completed! It seems like we have been talking about it for quite a while and it feels great to have students utilizing the lab. Check out some pictures of this great remodel.

Much of the week was spent cleaning up state reporting issues and preparing for upcoming meetings.  Our annual audit is occurring this week, which keeps the office (especially Carey) busy answering questions and providing paperwork to the auditors. On top of that, we had a Finance Committee meeting Friday morning to go over the amended budget. This is the first step before taking the budget to the School Board for a vote.  Things went very well and we look forward to the presenting the changes at the School Board meeting Monday.

Finally, I had a couple great conversations with alums and AHS supporters this week.  I would like to thank them for sharing not only the great things that they see occurring at Assumption, but also the areas where we could focus to make our great school even better. Thanks for your input!

Have a great weekend!


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